Introducing an assurance product designed specifically for your Saddlemen seat, giving you peace of mind with a lifetime guarantee from Saddlemen. This valuable token ensures that your seat is covered for repairs and re-covering, allowing one material change and one stitching color change.
Coverage Terms: Your new COVER CARE TOKEN is a lifelong guarantee for your Saddlemen seat. Keep it safe, as you'll need to send this token when making a claim. This token serves as your proof of coverage.
Transferability: If you decide to sell or transfer ownership of the token, the new owner will enjoy the same benefits as the original purchaser.
No Expiry: Your Saddlemen COVER CARE TOKEN never expires. Submit it with your seat for any claims. After repair or replacement, Saddlemen will retain the token. Need another? Purchase it here.
Forgot to Buy at Purchase: No worries! You can still benefit from the COVER CARE program. Just purchase a COVER CARE TOKEN now and submit your claim. Buy it here.
What's Covered: Any damage to your Saddlemen seat will be repaired or re-covered, or the seat will be replaced at Saddlemen’s discretion. If the original material is unavailable, a similar quality material will be used. The only cost to you will be for shipping, and possibly taxes, duties, and VAT for international shipments.
Exclusions: COVER CARE does not cover damage to the motorcycle or other items, personal injury, or incidental costs caused by the seat. Shipping costs are not included. Some states may have specific limitations on incidental or consequential damages.
Making a Claim: Submit your COVER CARE claims directly to Saddlemen via email or phone. Here is the contact information:
- Phone: 1.800.397.7709
- Email: CoverCareClaims@saddlemen.com
- Address: Saddlemen, Attn: Cover Care Claims, 17801 S Susana Rd, Compton, CA 90221
Limitations and Liability: Saddlemen will repair or replace the product based on current standards or with a similar current product. This is the sole express warranty. Other rights may vary by state. Saddlemen’s liability is limited to the purchase price and does not cover special, incidental, or consequential damages, except as required by law.
Arbitration: Any disputes regarding this warranty will be settled by binding arbitration in Los Angeles, CA. The arbitration will follow AAA commercial rules, and the decision will be final and binding.
Governing Law: The COVER CARE program is governed by California state laws.